Angel School
Class 1 - Intro To Angels
Learn about the basics of the Angelic Realms and how they can help you overcome struggles in your everyday life. You will also learn which angels to call upon for manifesting abundance, relationships, children, healing, life purpose, career, lost items, beautifying your home, and more!
This class includes a link for a video as well as a pdf file that is an Archangel reference guide that shares descriptions and functions of each archangel.
Class 2 - Earth Angels and Empaths
Do people call you "too sensitive"? Do you feel you take on the energy of others? Do you ever feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or upset at times seemingly for no reason or because you were just around someone who felt that way? Do you say "I'm sorry" a lot? (Believe it or not, that is actually a sign you're an Earth Angel/Empath.) In this class, we will learn what it means to be empathetic (sensitive), the degrees of being empathetic, how to set healthy boundaries, how to protect your energy field, clearing and cleansing your energy field, and also how being "sensitive" is a SUPERPOWER! We will teach you how to harness your SUPERPOWER! This class includes a link for a video as well as a pdf file that is an Archangel reference guide that shares descriptions and functions of each archangel.
Class 3 - How To Connect With Your Angels
What do your Angels want to tell you? In this class, you will learn about the different ways they communicate with you through signs and symbols. And you will learn how to distinguish what Angels you want to communicate with and also to decipher between their different energies. We will do a guided meditation in which you will communicate with your Guardian Angel! This class includes a link for a video as well as a pdf file that is an Archangel reference guide that shares descriptions and functions of each archangel.
Class 4 - Angel Cards
In this particular Angel Cards class, you will be learning some simple tools on how to do an angel card reading for yourself and someone else. This is a hands-on interactive class so you will get practice on how to give a reading as well as receive a reading. We will be teaching you some basic spreads and help you to interpret the cards. This class includes a link for a video, as well as a pdf file that is an Archangel reference guide that shares descriptions and functions of each Archangel, and the file will also have Angel card numbers with meaning for each.
Full Class Set
This full class set includes all four of the angel school classes as well as the Archangel reference guide and the Angel card numbers with meaning required for class 4. for a discounted price.