World Peace Meditation
This meditation was done for world peace day but can be done at any time to bring peace and healing into your life and world!
Chakra Clearing Meditation
If you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, this is a great meditation to listen to. It's approximately 10 minutes and it will help to ground you and bring in more peace.
Mother Mary Meditation
Mother Mary Healing Meditation - This meditation is channeled by Laura Ashley-Abraham, one of the Michigan Medium Angels. She did a reading for a client and was asked to create a meditation to help her with anxiety and some fears she was having. During the recording of the meditation, Mother Mary instructed Laura to release this to everyone so they could find comfort, peace and healing as well. Laura often communicates with various Ascended Masters, but Mother Mary's presence is fairly new. She is stepping forward to help many with healing past mother issues and family issues. She is pure, unconditional love... and you will feel that as you listen to this. The Harp Healing music in the background is by Connie Smock, the other Michigan Medium Angel! The Harp Healing music actually clears your chakras and your aura while you listen. If you are looking for more peace in your life, this is the meditation for you!
Healing Meditation
Join Laura as she guides you through a Clearing and Healing Meditation for you and the world. This meditation is cut from the March week 3 video.
Peaceful Meditation
Join Laura as she guides you through a peaceful healing meditation. This meditation came from Laura's Higher Self Message number 4.
Tapping Meditation
This is a general tapping session that Laura recorded on stress. You don't have to know how to do tap[ping to do this... She walks you through it. This can be helpful for any situation you're dealing with on stress because it is general. She found herself really upset the other day and was guided to record this for everyone and wanted to share it with you. Hope it Helps!
The Blue Flame
The Blue Flame is connected with Archangel Michael and Master El Morya and carries the energy of protection, omnipotence and faith.
World Peace Meditation
I would like to bring that peaceful calm to you through this meditation. I hope you enjoy it. The background sound is the actual recording from a water stream from the hike that inspired this meditation!