Throughout the years of discovering my soul purpose, I’ve been dedicated to personal growth and healing. Ever since I can remember, I have loved books! I’ve accumulated multiple lists of the most amazing books that have helped me, my friends, and many of my clients. The following 8 books are my go-to spiritual guidance books. There are many more so it was hard to choose the best ones! I will continue to blog about all the books that I feel guided to share with you. I have written a brief description of each below. Please share with me your experiences with them. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me. :)
This book is for anyone who wants a quick, easy read on abundance. There are only 11 chapters and it is small enough to take it with you everywhere you go. This is one of my favorites because it's an easy reference when you need a boost of self-love, motivation, positive affirmations or a change in your thought process. It will keep you centered on an abundant path. This is a must-have for everyone!

This is the book that led me to discover my own ability to communicate with Abraham. I learned so many spiritually-based concepts that I had never heard before. This book awakened my soul and I hope it does the same for you!

For a general guide to angel numbers and their meaning, see my blog post on angel numbers. If you want a more in-depth description of the meaning of each number 0-999, this is my favorite reference for people who have become aware of repeating numbers in their lives, and want to understand the guidance that is attempting to come through.

The Secret will help with understanding the Law of Attraction from a logical perspective, including stories from many different spiritual leaders on how to attract what you want into your life. This is a book you can read many times and always get something new out of it.

Can you tell that I love Doreen Virtue? This is a book I would recommend to anyone starting out, trying to understand intuitive messages they're recieving or what has happened to them in the past, and discover their life path. The Lightworker's Way is a story of Doreen's personal journey and how she became a lightworker, including a detailed description of what it means to be a lightworker, as well as guided meditations, a guide to heightening your psychic receptivity, and much more.
As you read this, I guarentee your life will change in ways you never could have imagined or expected. This is also another book for beginners, as well as all other levels. Anyone can benefit from the concepts in this book. There are powerful guided meditations at the end of each chapter that really instill the lesson of each one energetically.
If you have experienced any form of heartbreak or loss, this is the book for you. Soul Love is a very profound, spiritually-based, heart-centered book that will help you heal in all areas of your life. The first meditation in this book was a catalyst on my healing journey. Because of my abusive childhood, I had many shattered parts of myself that needed to be healed with love. This is one of the tools that I used to put my pieces back together. This book is not a quick read. You need to take your time to absorb it and incorporate it into your life.
Spirited is a great resource for anyone starting to sense spirit, wanting to connect with spirit, or anyone who needs some help understanding and interpreting messages from spirit. Rebecca details explanations of how we are all intuitive, how we can tap into that, what it can helps us with and so much more! I'm sure your copy will soon be filled with sticky notes, highlighted paragraphs and underlined sections just like mine.

Love is all there is...