Welcome! Important Information

Hi there!
Sooo happy to be connecting with you!!! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you so much for all of your love, support and encouragement! If you are new to me, Laura Ashley-Abraham, or the "Michigan Medium Angels" (Laura Ashley-Abraham and Connie Smock), I just wanted to take a minute to welcome you to my emails! Both Connie and I have been busy planning a lot of upcoming events, classes, workshops, live events, Podcasts, and so much more! We will be doing some events together and some separately. We have so many plans in the works and we are doing our best to keep you up to date with all our future events. We are posting a lot of them on our Facebook page @thesoulhealingcenter444 but not everyone is on Facebook. So sending out emails to keep you up to date is something I am making a top priority! I love to send information to my clients that I know will help them. I am not receiving anything from any of the companies that I post about or send out to you. My intention is only to help you in any way I can!
With that being said, one of my favorite things that has helped me is Tapping! I tell my clients about it a lot. Well, today is your lucky day because the "11th Annual Tapping World Summit" begins today and it's jammed packed with information that can help you. If you are looking to heal ANY ISSUE in your life, FINANCIAL, RELATIONSHIPS, CAREER, HEALTH... if you are STRESSED or in a place of WORRY or FEAR and having ANXIETY or PTSD, this is the ONE thing you should do for yourself right now! There is science that explains how it works. Quite frankly, I don't care how it works! I just know it does! Many of you know I have a lot of abuse in my past and tapping is something that has helped me tremendously. That's why I want to share it with you. Do yourself a favor and take the time out to try it. It's easy, doesn't take a lot of time and it's something you can use for the rest of your life, anytime, anywhere!
Part of my life mission is to help others find ways to heal and help themselves. So that's why I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that I plan to send out more emails with more inspirational, uplifting, healing, and soul filled content! Some of it will be my own and some of it will be things that I feel important to share with you from various other sources. Please feel free to share any feedback on our Facebook page or email me through my website. I would love to hear your comments or any suggestions on what information you'd like me to blog about
If you have any other questions on upcoming events, hosting parties or readings for the "Michigan Medium Angels," and you'd like to know when we're going to be in your area, please free to contact our lovely assistant Stephanie at stephaniehardy211@gmail.com and she can assist you.