Hello Sunshine!
So happy to be writing to you…finally! I have been wanting to write several posts and haven’t had a chance with everything that’s been going on in my life. The full moons have been bringing up a lot of unresolved issues and forcing me (and everyone I know) to confront and act on what we’ve been avoiding or putting off. Now is the time! So whatever needs to get resolved, fixed, handled, talked through…do it! Because if you don’t start taking steps in a direction of fixing or working through these “problems,” they will come to find you in another form… just giving you a heads-up! Don’t say I didn’t warn you lol.
Ask yourself right now: “What have I been putting off?” (Write down your answer.)
Next ask yourself: “What steps can I take today to start moving in the direction of dealing with this?” (Write down your steps.)
Now, the reason for this email is to tell you a message I channeled. It’s so beautiful and I want to share it with you. It’s short but very profound.

“Regardless of what is going on … Love Yourself! Take care of yourself. Cherish yourself. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself the way you want others to love you.”
This message was given to me to make sure no matter what is going on in my life, that I love myself through all challenges, upsets, obstacles… within myself or when I’m having issues with someone else. It doesn’t matter. The message is to remind us that when we are frustrated, upset, hurt, feel abandoned, alone, scared… can’t see a way out… love ourselves… through everything… through it all… love ourselves in each moment and know that we will get through it. The key is to love ourselves through our challenges. Seems simple… but it takes continuous effort. To me, this message at times can mean I simply need self-care. For instance, I may need to go for a walk… take a bath… write… cry… express my feelings… whatever the issue, it’s important for me to not forget to take care of myself through the difficult times.
We all get busy and are constantly multi-tasking and trying to get everything done and sometimes we put ourselves last. So today think about how you can give yourself some extra love and support. I’m going to go for a walk... yay! What are you going to do?
Love, Love and more Love being sent your way today… and every day!
-Laura Ashley-Abraham