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7 Signs You’re Reacting From A Trauma Response

Are You Reacting From A Trauma Response?

How do you know?

The word “trauma” has been thrown around so much that it’s almost desensitized us. But, in reality, most of us are responding from a trauma response daily and we aren’t even aware of it! We just keep doing the same things we’ve always done, repeating the same patterns, hoping things will change.

Maybe you’re making changes, but nothing seems to really change significantly enough.

Do you resonate with any of these?

  1. You don’t feel safe. Feelings of unease… feel like something bad is going to happen to you or a loved one.

  2. Living in fight or flight mode. Constantly on edge. Can’t seem to relax.

  3. Feel a deep, inner sadness and/or loneliness, but you‘re not sure where it’s from.

  4. Compulsive behavior; eating, drinking, smoking, shopping/buying, etc.

  5. Don’t feel able to cope with daily life; making decisions is hard.

  6. Don’t feel connected to your Intuition; feel lost, alone, fearful and afraid a lot of the time.

  7. Feel disconnected from life, like something’s missing.

If any of these resonate with you, you may be living your life and responding from a trauma response.

Well, it’s not your fault! Really! A lot of the ways we cope are because of things we have learned in childhood (from parents, siblings, friends, teachers, etc.) and we’ve never learned how to do it differently.

No one teaches us how to heal… really heal.

When I say “really heal,” I mean get to the root of the issue… go deep and uncover the reasons you have anxiety, depression, fear… fear of making a mistake… fear of speaking your truth… not feeling worthy... and so on.

You can know that there is “something” blocking you from creating the life you want, but you’re just not sure what it is.

And that’s because we’re not taught on how to actually heal. We’re taught to just “get over it”… “move on”… “that’s in the past”… “be positive”… “focus on the present”… these are not helpful to heal deep rooted issues. So you may change your focus momentarily, try to suck it up and get on with life… but that is only until the next time… and you’re right back where you started with all the uncomfortable feelings and no idea what to do with them.

So you repeat your patterns of coping… drinking… eating… repressing… focusing on other people’s stuff… overworking… overspending… binge watching TV or surfing the Internet… scrolling social media… these are all avoidance techniques. They only numb… they don’t solve the real issues… so you’ll keep repeating them over and over and over… until you face them and resolve the core issue!

Here's the truth: when you start to really dig deep, it’s scary! A part of you doesn’t want you to go there… so it feels UNCOMFORTABLE… because that part of you is trying to protect you and keep you “safe” by avoiding the real issue. Because at the time that the trigger occurred, you weren’t able to cope then… so the issue got buried... and that part of you doesn’t want to go through that pain again… that’s why it buried it in the first place!!! Maybe someone said something that was hurtful or mean… maybe a relationship ended… maybe you lost a loved one and couldn’t process all that hurt… maybe you lost a job or something really important to you… maybe financially you made a mistake that created a financial block… whatever the issue is, unless you get to the core/root of it, that part of you will continue to recreate the problem over and over and over again…

UNTIL you make a conscious choice to STOP!!!

YOU have to make the decision to say NO MORE!!!

YOU have to say, “I don’t want to live this way anymore. I want peace/joy/love/freedom/happiness more than I want to stay in this uncomfortable place.”

When you do that, you align with real change!!! And then everything starts to align with what you really want in your life… all the good things!!! And that creates a steady flow of abundance in all areas!!! This is where miracles happen!!!

If you are ready to align with all the “good things,” please join me in my upcoming Heart Healing For Trauma Course. I will be going in depth with the processes that I used to heal myself from trauma. These are my own unique processes that my Spirit Guides and Angels taught me and I’m going to teach you!!!

This is where you get off the hamster wheel!!! This is where you start creating the life of your dreams!!!

This is how you get to the “Good Stuff” and stop repeating the “Bad Stuff” once and for all!!

If you’re ready to feel connected to life, to feel openhearted, to believe in yourself, that all things are possible… check out all the details for my upcoming Heart Healing Course!!! It is priced at the lowest price it will ever be!!! And you will get ALL future upgrades!!! When you purchase during this Limited Time Pricing, you will also receive a Heart Healing Meditation that will connect you with your loved ones on the Other Side so you can receive your own messages!!!

The Course starts on September 22nd, but you can go at your own pace. There will be weekly Q&A sessions that you can join live or watch the recording at a later date. You will not be alone… I will be with you every step of the way!!!

Sometimes we need a little help to guide us in the right direction… let me help you!!! We are going to clear layers of hurt, pain and trauma and finally open up a new door to freedom… say YES!!! Go check out all the details here:

Hope to see you there!!!

Sending you soooo much love!!!



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